Making Baby Davis
Making Baby Davis
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Ivory Davis is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My husband Jonathan and I have been married for 3 years now and many of you may not be aware of the plight we have been facing the past two years. We have been battling with infertility in the hopes of becoming first time parents.
We got married in 2018 in Mexico and upon returning from our ceremony we began on our new journey in California trying to conceive naturally. We spent the better part of the year tracking ovulation and remained unsuccessful in our attempts.
At that time I had a co-worker who was exploring the IUI process and provided us information for the doctor of whom she visited. So in 2020, Jonathan and I decided to set sail on the fertility journey with our first and hopefully only stop being the IUI procedure. After the first IUI process we soon found disappointment when we were faced with a negative pregnancy test.
Unaware of how common infertility has become and processing the failure of the first procedure and where to go next on this journey to conception had me in a whirlwind of emotions. It took time to overcome the mental and emotional setback after that first IUI cycle.
After much thought and discussion we decided to go with a new doctor. In 2021 Jonathan and I decided to try our hands at the IUI process for a second time. This time around we both were faithful the procedure would be a success but once more we were disappointed by a negative pregnancy test after the procedure was completed.
To our dismay the doctor informed us the next step would be to attempt an IVF cycle as the rate for conception increases with this process. She informed us of the cost associated and we were again left at a crossroad of how to carry on with trying to achieve our desire to become parents.
During these 3 years we have gone through quite a few ups and downs over this infertility journey. All of which have been financially and emotionally draining. We have attempted to obtain the needed funds to make this dream a reality with applying for grants, loans and fertility medicine grants with denials and emails informing us of not being selected throughout the process.
An IVF cycle can cost well over $30,000 and the cost of medicine is not included and as we’re told can cost up to $6000. Even more surprising, neither of our insurance providers covers any portion of this procedure. We are pulling our combined resources together but find ourselves short in what will be needed but are determined to make this a reality.
I hate to ask for help but this may be the only way for our family to grow, as well as share our story with others. I was very fearful to put this out there but as a good friend reminded me – raising a child takes a village, we just need our villages help a little sooner than some❤️.
Please know any donation made will 100% go towards fertility treatment for us and I plan to share updates along the way once this can become a reality for our family. We want to thank anyone who contributes or shares this for us from the bottom of our hearts. We thank you for any consideration.

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Ivory Davis is organizing this fundraiser.